Collector Square puts works by Pablo Picasso up for sale

To mark the 50th anniversary of Picasso’s death, Collector Square, Europe’s leading online retailer of bags, watches, jewellery and, from 2021, art objects and second-hand goods, has been putting items made by the famous artist Pablo Picasso on the market since 7 November. The collection includes around thirty pieces, ranging from ceramics from the 1950s to works on paper.


Born in Malaga in 1881, Pablo Ruiz Picasso left his mark on twentieth-century art history. Considered to be one of the founders of Cubism, he brought his art to bear in all media. Painting, drawing, sculpture, engraving… Driven by a vision of his own, the artist contributed to a wide range of plastic forms. In all, almost 50,000 works were born of his imagination.

While Guernica (1937) remains Pablo Picasso’s most iconic work, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907), La jeune fille à la mandoline (1910), Les Trois Danseuses (1925), Guerre de Corée (1951), Le garçon à la pipe (1905), Le Rêve (1932) and La Femme qui pleure (1937) are all legendary works by the artist.


A unique sale focusing on Picasso


After spending most of his life in France, Pablo Picasso died in 1973 in the Alpes-Maritimes. To mark the 50th anniversary of his death, Maison Collector Square has been selling around thirty works by the artist since 7 November.



Pablo Picasso – Corrida sur fond noir – 1953 ©Collector Square


The first focuses on ceramic works. In 1946, Pablo Picasso met the owners of the Madoura pottery workshop in Vallauris, Georges and Suzanne Ramié. It was a meeting of the minds for the artist, who between 1947 and 1971 created more than 633 ceramic creations in editions ranging from 25 to 500 pieces. The sale includes a service with smiling black faces (1948) and a rectangular dish featuring bullfighting (1953).


Visage Noir ceramic dinner service Pablo Picasso ©Collector Square


The second part of the auction will feature prints such as Peintre agenouillé avec des spectateurs (1966) and Ambroise Vollard et son chat (1960). During his career, Pablo Picasso worked with the Mourlot printing house for lithography, the Crommelynck brothers for engraving and Hidalgo Arnéra for linocutting.


Pablo Picasso – Painter kneeling with spectators – 1966 ©Collector Square


The Collector Square event takes place in parallel with the sale of the painting Femme à la montre, on Wednesday 8 November in New York. The painting, auctioned by Sotheby’s, fetched 139 million dollars. This is the second highest price ever achieved for a work by Pablo Picasso!



Front page photo: Pablo Picasso – Ambroise Vollard and his cat – 1960 ©Collector Square

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