Discover the Most Extravagant Indulgences of Billionaires

The image of the eccentric billionaire is deeply ingrained in the collective unconscious. It even inspires literature and cinema, bringing to life whimsical characters like Tony Stark, portrayed by Robert Downey Jr. in the Marvel Studios universe. Without falling into the superhero cliché, the figure of the billionaire fascinates as much as it irritates. Nonetheless, the latest extravagant purchases or lavish travels of the world’s wealthiest individuals, highlighted in the media, captivate us. Luxus Magazine reviews the recent whims of the most extreme billionaires.


The world’s fascination with great fortunes and their ways of spending their wealth is not new. However, the 21st century and the advent of technology contribute to creating a favorable context for eccentricities.


In April 2024, Forbes magazine revealed that a record number of 2,781 billionaires were currently present on the planet, with a total fortune reaching $14.2 trillion.



A “yes” worth $600 million


This year, Anant Ambani gained worldwide recognition. At 29 years old, he is the son of billionaire Mukesh Ambani, one of the greatest fortunes in Asia. His union with Radhika Merchant, officiated last July, was dubbed the “wedding of the century”.


It must be said that their prenuptial celebration in March already set the tone for the festivities. Over three days, 1,200 guests gathered in the city of Jamnagar, in the west of the country. The event was notably highlighted by an exclusive performance by Rihanna.


Another major moment that made headlines was the couple’s privatization of the city of Portofino. To allow guests to explore the small village on the Italian Riviera, locals were blocked in their own place of residence while tourists were denied access to the port of one of Europe’s most popular travel destinations.



Yachts and their support boats



In addition to the emblematic private jets favored by millionaires, there are the megayachts. These oversized vessels, which could easily claim the title of floating palaces, are designed to accommodate every whim: heliports, swimming pools, cinemas, and more. Nothing is impossible!


Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg are prime examples in this field. The CEO of Amazon and the founder of Facebook own the Koru, a $500 million yacht, and the Launchpad, worth $300 million, respectively.


Despite its 127-meter length and numerous facilities, such as a cinema, a swimming pool, and a gym, the Koru requires the support of a second boat to operate at full capacity. The Abeona, a 75-meter long yacht, is used to transport some of the 40 crew members of the Koru, as well as various equipment. The vessel also carries Jeff Bezos’ personal helicopter.

Mark Zuckerberg’s megayacht Launchpad © Ruben Griffeon/SuperYacht Times



The Launchpad of Mark Zuckerberg, 118 meters long, features a diving center equipped with a hyperbaric chamber, a swimming pool, a bar, and a panoramic lounge. To accompany the main vessel, the tech mogul acquired a support ship, the Wingman, which includes a helicopter landing platform and a submersible.


The Cruise is (Very) Fun with a Clear Conscience


Staying on the theme of nautical extravagance—and its carbon impact—it’s worth noting that The Conversation calculated the emissions of these wealthy individuals in terms of CO2 equivalents. According to the media outlet, the top 20 billionaires emitted an average of 8,190 tons of CO2 equivalent each in 2018. This represents 1,300 times the average emissions of a French person (6.3 tons in 2019).


These estimates haven’t escaped Larry Ellison, who decided to build basketball courts on his superyacht. The founder of Oracle, a company specializing in database management software, has ensured that he can continue shooting hoops in the middle of the ocean, all while enjoying peace of mind!


Indeed, since he sometimes misses his shots and doesn’t want to pollute the waters where his 87-meter yacht sails, Larry Ellison came up with the idea of adding a new crew member: an employee tasked with following the yacht in a motorboat to retrieve any basketballs that fall overboard.


Obsession with the end of the world



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Between philanthropic dinners and trips to the other side of the world, some billionaires have found a major concern: survival in the face of the end of the world.


For several years now, a handful of ultra-rich individuals have been preparing for catastrophic scenarios: environmental collapse, social unrest, nuclear explosion, solar storm—everything is considered.


This trend is notably observed within Silicon Valley, the nerve center of major tech companies in the United States. In 2018, Peter Thiel, co-founder of the payment company PayPal, obtained New Zealand citizenship to settle there in case of an apocalypse. It must be said that New Zealand and Alaska are extremely popular for installing anti-apocalypse bunkers.


Private companies have thus entered this unprecedented market. Among them, the Swiss company Oppidum notably developed the world’s largest luxury bunker in 2013. With an area of 30,007 square meters, it is hidden somewhere in the Czech Republic, about 50 kilometers from Prague.


It remains to be seen whether it can accommodate a basketball court or a helipad…


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Featured Photo : © Paramount/Courtesy Everett Collection

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