Paris Match celebrates its 75th anniversary with a major campaign

To celebrate its 75th anniversary, Paris Match offers a grand guest list. François Mitterrand, Marilyn Monroe, Taylor Swift, Simone Veil, and Kylian Mbappé, all have been brought together by the French magazine for this major campaign. Symbolizing Paris Match’s journey through the ages, the series of photos emphasizes intergenerational connections.


Launched on May 7th, the anniversary campaign for Paris Match’s 75th anniversary has spread across the entire country. Visible on billboards in the Paris metro, in the press, and online, this campaign stays true to Paris Match’s promise: “the weight of words, the shock of photos.”



To create the visuals, the magazine enlisted the help of the communication agency Havas Paris. “We wanted to create truly beautiful posters with a striking concept that is primarily visual, with few words, to stay as close as possible to the spirit of Paris Match,” explained Stéphane Gaubert, creative director at Havas Paris.


The result is a simple formula based on the inherent characteristics of the magazine created by Jean Prouvost: “inspiring, essential, striking, iconic”…and all that, “for 75 years.”



To support its message, the campaign pays tribute to the iconic archives of the magazine. Football legend Pelé, former president François Mitterrand, actress Marilyn Monroe, and stateswoman Simone Veil, all these great names who have made their mark on history in their own way, appear engrossed in reading Paris Match. On the cover of their respective issues, in an amusing telescoping of history, today’s personalities are featured. Namely Kylian Mbappé, Taylor Swift, Emmanuel Macron, Iranian women



Through this exchange between generations, the concept also highlights the idea of transmission. We staged heroes of the past reading today’s magazine to show that Paris Match is an essential current affairs medium for understanding the world as it is,” explains Benoit Lozé, Strategy Director at Havas Paris.


With this new campaign, everyone should be able to find something to relate to, whether they are fans of O Rei alias Pelé and his footwork, or admirers of Taylor Swift and her ballads.


Read also> Meryl Streep, the papess of cinema


Photo credit: © Paris Match – Havas Paris

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