5 Questions to Sandrine Poupon, Director of the EIML

A member of the Grandes Écoles Spécialisées (GES) network, EIML Paris is the leading school specializing in luxury marketing, with four campuses in Paris, Lille, Lyon and Aix-en-Provence. Sandrine Poupon explains the strengths of the school, which has nearly 600 partner companies.


Faced with the many changes experienced by the luxury sector with the health crisis, how has EIML Paris adapted?


In terms of form, even though we prefer to offer face-to-face courses, we have organized hybrid or distance learning courses during the lockdowns. Basically, EIML Paris is an agile school, in order to collaborate better with our partner companies, we are constantly adapting to the changes in the luxury sector and thinking about how to approach the future, both in our courses and in our conferences.


Do you think that the health crisis has had an impact on the professional integration of EIML Paris graduates?


Yes, that’s for sure. But this impact is not necessarily negative. “From crises come opportunities” that our young graduates will have to seize and, more concretely, these opportunities will more specifically, these opportunities will come from the digital professions.


Sandrine Poupon


In this particular period, what measures have you put in place to students in their search for internships, work-study programs, or in their recruitment?


We support our students as soon as they join EIML Paris. We organize many more digital recruitment sessions to help our students find a company. students to find a company. In addition, we work with them specifically on their digital personal branding.


What do you think are the main challenges facing your luxury marketing students in a marketing students in a post-covid world?


They will have to be even more agile and adaptable than in the past. Being curious and passionate remains fundamental. We train our students in these different aspects.




What are the main events (conferences/campus/etc…) planned by the school for this year?


We plan to organize more than 50 thematic conferences, 6 recruitment campuses, and consulting missions for luxury brands


Learn more :

On September 27, 2021, come and meet the EIML at the Studyrama luxury training fair (Salon des Formations du Luxe) for the 9th edition at Paris Event Center.

Exhibition Schedule : 10:00 am – 5:30 pm



Featured Photo : © EIML


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