Discover the hidden side of Elon Musk in the new Luxus+ Mag

If we don’t think it’s necessary to tell you who Elon Musk is, there are many aspects to his personality that are hidden and buried. We have deciphered and revealed them for you in the new Luxus+ Mag.


The Hidden Face” is the title of the Challenge of the Spring-Summer 2022 issue, which highlights Elon Musk and is featured on the cover of the magazine. We have dedicated 10 pages to the man who turned 51 three days ago and who never ceases to surprise the public.


Although he has managed to build a successful economic empire with several successful multinationals, there are certain facets of the billionaire’s personality that arouse both admiration and criticism. We have traced his childhood, adolescence, career and achievements in order to reveal them all to you.


With the help of many unpublished testimonies from his brother Kimbal or his father Errol, or from several people close to the businessman, we have gathered anecdotes, secrets and exclusive information on the dark sides that Elon Musk tries his best to hide.


“He’s a business savant, but his gift is not empathy with people,” says Kimbal Musk, while his father described him as “particular” and proud of his outspokenness from an early age. His Tesla and SpaceX employees have also revealed several compromising information about his behavior. Recently accused of spying on them, this is nothing compared to the several accusations of burnout and moral and sexual harassment he is subject to.


On social networks, Elon Musk is not unanimous either. Sulfurous and controversial media personality, Elon Musk’s provocations have been following each other regularly for the last few years, especially on the social network Twitter, which he had started to buy earlier this year. Since it’s impossible to list them all, we’ve gathered seven of his tweets that have caused controversy and provoked shock, astonishment, anger or criticism from Internet users.


If you want to discover the real hidden face of the multi-billionaire, the entire investigation is to be found in the next Spring-Summer 2022 issue, which will be released on July 4. For any pre-order of the issue before July 3rd, shipping is free. Click here to take advantage of it!



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Featured photo : © Art Streiber/August

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