Fine Art Paris & La Biennale becomes FAB Paris

The Fine Art Paris & La Biennale fair announced yesterday its new name in 2023, Fab Paris. Scheduled to take place from November 21 to 26, the event takes on another dimension to introduce the public to art in all its forms and at all times.


Announced yesterday, FAB Paris is the new name of the Fine Art Paris & La Biennale fair, which was already the result of the alliance between Fine Arts Paris and La Biennale des Antiquaires. The last edition, which was held from November 9 to 13 at the Carrousel du Louvre for its inauguration, brought together 86 exhibitors and more than 17,000 visitors, despite a day of strikes and a public holiday.



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With the motto “All the art in the world under one roof”, the FAB proposes a renewed and enlarged Salon, bringing together 110 galleries and visitors from all over the world at the Grand Palais Éphémère, from November 21 to 26, 2023.



“FAB PARIS not only aims to be a “fabulous” event for collectors and art world professionals, it also celebrates artistic creation and craftsmanship across centuries and continents – that universal “faber” that bridges the gap between the past and the contemporary”, explains Louis de Bayser, FAB Paris president. “The new logo, created by Jesus and Gabriel, is to be handled as an object to be built, vigorous and alive – as is our passion for all the art forms that humanity has left us.”


Invitation to travel


With this expanded format, FAB Paris wants to offer visitors a journey of international scope. The show crosses history, from ancient to contemporary art: it offers archaeological pieces, jewelry, design and fine art.



“Our fair was born of the desire to give Paris a fair of international scope, bringing together all the arts of the world under one roof”, explains Louis de Bayser.


For galleries, collectors, curators, experts and art lovers, the Fab Paris is an ideal meeting place to discover works from all disciplines and all periods.




Transparency will be a principle at FAB, which the organizers believe is “an integral part of the founding principles” of the fair. Verification, also known as “vetting”, and attention to provenance will be rigorously carried out by internationally recognized experts. These principles will guarantee the quality of the works offered, allowing collectors to buy with confidence.



FAB Paris is organized by the Agence d’Évènements Culturels which also manages the Salon du Dessin. After this first stage at the Grand Palais Éphémère, the Salon will move to the emblematic glass roof of the renovated Grand Palais in 2024.



Featured photo : © RMN-GP


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