In the heart of Paris, the Moët Hennessy offices are getting a makeover

Moët Hennessy has taken up residence above the Grande Épicerie de Paris and inaugurated offices redesigned by the French studio Barbarito Bancel Architectes.


Located on the upper floors of Le Bon Marché, Moët Hennessy recently unveiled its new workspace that spans more than 10,000 square meters. Designed by Barbarito Bancel Architects, the studio strove to capture the idea of “enthusiasm, curiosity and fun” in the office design.


© Alessandra Chemollo


A must in the world of luxury and lifestyle, the interior design of the new workspaces had to reflect Moët Hennessy’s values, meeting the challenges of aesthetics and utility. The color palette and furniture were carefully selected to resonate with the essence of the brand’s aesthetic language.


© Alessandra Chemollo


Today’s workspaces must be able to replicate and develop qualities similar to those of living spaces. This is perhaps one of the lasting effects of working from home and the pandemic, which has led to transformations. The studio also wanted to highlight the Art Deco heritage of the site. Driven by the vision of Philippe Schaus, the company’s president, Barbarito Bancel wanted to create a bespoke space that showcased the potential of the mid-century architecture. The design falls within the parameters of a sustainable project and embodies the group’s development strategy to initiate a cultural transformation.


© Alessandra Chemollo


The interior design also attempts to achieve a balance between shared and individual spaces. Elements are custom-made, from the glass steel frames of the facade to the removable partitions and the design of the furniture. A great way to work!





Featured photo : © Alessandra Chemollo

Passionnée par l’art et la mode, Hélène s’oriente vers une école de stylisme: l’Atelier Chardon-Savard. Elle complète ensuite sa formation par un MBA en Marketing à l’ISG. Elle a écrit pour le magazine Do it in Paris et se spécialise en rédaction d’articles concernant le luxe, l’art et la mode au sein de Luxus +.


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