Marvel covers featuring Stan Lee to be auctioned

Ten works of art featuring Stan Lee on Marvel comic book covers signed by the late superhero creator will be auctioned off next Wednesday. Buyers will be able to obtain physical and digital versions of the works.


Pop artist Rob Prior is behind the works. Prior began working with the man behind Spider-Man, Iron Man and Black Panther, among others, in 2017 on the project ‘The Legacy Collection: Portraits of Stan Lee‘. In the ten works to be auctioned, Stan Lee is depicted in the same positions as his famous characters or in cameo images.


This is only a small part of the work of Prior, who has produced a total of 95 paintings of Stan Lee, who is no stranger to representations and cameos. It should be remembered that the man appeared in almost all the film adaptations of his comics. He passed away in 2018 at the age of 95.


Stan Lee and Rob Prior were long-time friends. This collection is a tribute to him. Featured photo : CNN

This collection is therefore the result of several years of collaboration between the artist and the comic book legend, who also happens to be his friend. Prior met Stan Lee in the 1990s on the comic book convention scene. Over the years, the two men have found time to talk about each other’s work and their vision for the future. The ‘Legacy Collection: Portrait of Stan Lee‘ was created to capture the life and work of Stan Lee in a unique way. It is a tribute to this legend and the icons he helped to forge. This collection is also one of Rob Prior’s proudest works.


Stan Lee’s favourite thing was cameos, and what better way to pay homage to him than to have him make cameos in the very covers of his favourite comics,” said Rob Prior.


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Mogul Productions, a film and entertainment marketplace for non-fungible tokens, is putting ten of the artist’s works up for auction as NFTs from Wednesday, November 3rd for a period of forty-eight hours. By offering these works as NFTs along with the physical version signed by Stan Lee, Mogul Productions and Rob Prior hope that these pieces will live forever through the blockchain.


You can have the NFT right in front of you, display it and everything that goes with it, but being able to look at where Stan Lee’s signature is, having a physical version is paramount,” explains Rob Prior.So I wanted to make sure that the buyer could get both versions.”





Featured photo : © New FR


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